How to get more ideas for your blog!

Hello readers

We often face this dilemma, now don’t we? Even if know what we want to write about, we still can’t decide if we should just go with the flow of our creative minds or do more research while writing blog posts.

Now, I understand that every person blogs for a different reason, some have informative blogs, while others want to share their experiences with products or simply share their professional knowledge. So whatever your reason is, it won’t come out until you have a concrete concept in your mind. What to talk about the topic you want to share? What should be the title? What can I do to make the blog meet it’s purpose? All of these valid questions lingers in our minds.

So here are 3 ways to generate more ideas for your blogs or whatever kind of writing you want information about!

Portents content idea generator

Sites like portents idea generator, Google trends can help you get ideas about what specific topic you can write about in your forte

Then again I would suggest not to blindly follow the trends and but instead write about something you specialize in. You can just search for terms and keywords to make decisions about what you want write about!

Now portents idea generator is an amazing tool! It can really help you get ideas about how to pick your titles, how should you proceed – whether your post should be how-to or why should you, posts!

Hubspots blog topic generator

Another amazing tool! You can put five keywords and it shall give you the ideas you can incorporate in your blogs!

Google trends

Though I did mention earlier about Google trends. But let me explain in more detail.

This one is a powerful tool. You can see the trends according to the search made in real time and overall. You can compare your ideas to have an idea as to which one is more feasible.

It generates both topics and search terms. You can make use of this, by aligning your blog with the topic for your blog!

Use these three options, and see how it helps you! These can be really helpful when you are stuck with a theme but have no idea how to express.

If you have something share, please let me know in the comments section below!

Till next post!

Rewind Musings by Joyeeta

With love and hope

2 thoughts on “How to get more ideas for your blog!

  1. Great idea, thanks for sharing.


  2. Thanks. It was very helpful


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